Helpful Links

This list will be updated frequently. The following links are a bibliography of sorts of websites, archives, blogs, and teaching organizations that I have found routinely useful to challenge my thinking and study of the Scriptures. I could not in any way agree with all the content from these sources so their listing here is not a carte blanche endorsement.

If we only read who we agree with, I believe we never learn to dialogue or engage our neighbors when we disagree.  I like how F. F. Bruce says it,

I have sometimes learned most from scholars with whom I have agreed least: they compel one to think, and rethink.

The Epistles to the Colossians, to Philemon, and to the Ephesians, NICNT [Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1984], xii.

Most importantly, we will never learn to change to adjust ourselves to truth and evidence.This atmosphere can create straw man beliefs which will wither, upon inspection, under the light of scrutiny because they are never tested.

In Rolando Montes, Camino al Imperio, my father writes, “Ya que te gusta leer no pierdas el habito” (trans.: “Now that you like to read don’t lose the habit”). So I read what I can, where I can. Most of these resources are free to the user and allow you to download in *.pdf format. If you have a suggestion for an online resource leave it at the bottom.